Monday, June 16, 2014

The Amazing Screened-In Porch

Here, for all of the internet world to see, I declare my undying love for our screened-in porch!  In the past, before MorWynd Farm, I considered my life complete without a screened-in porch.  There were times, I admit with some shame, that I thought a deck was better.  Oh how wrong I was.  How naive!  How foolish!
Just last night, we watched a brewing storm from the screened-in porch.  The clouds glowed an ominous, hazy golden color and the thunder rumbled longer than I have ever heard thunder rumble (Jon says that this is unlikely to be true, but I persist in believing it).  During the hot summer days, I sit and read out on the porch, enjoying the breezes from the shelter of the roof and screens.  Meals on the screened-in porch are lovely, enjoying the outdoors without flies competing for the sustenance! 
But, probably my favorite thing to do on the screened-in porch is watch the sunset.  We have a lovely view of the sunset.

“A large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone, and the sky was brilliant over the spot where it had gone, and a torn cloud, like a bloody rag, hung over the spot of its going. And dusk crept over the sky from the eastern horizon, and darkness crept over the land from the east.”
― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thunderstorms and Future Family Times

I love thunderstorms, and always have loved thunderstorms.  I grew up watching them from the swing on my family's porch.  I love that my 18-month old son clings to me silently as we listen to the thunder and watch for the lightening to strike.  Last night, a thunderstorm took a long time to roll into MorWynd Farm, drenched our fields and gardens with God-sent growth, and left us in satisfied peace.  As we marveled at the storm the wonder of creation, I thought of past years curled up on the swing with my siblings, and I thought of future years when my own family might develop a tradition of stopping life to marvel.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wildlife Report

In our time so far at MorWynd Farm, we have encountered numerous creatures of the wild.  They challenge us for our garden food, give us Lyme's disease, and fight with our barn cats.  But the good outweighs the bad!  They are truly beautiful (minus the Lyme's carrying ticks) and provide glimpses of other parts of the glorious world made by our creator!  Also, they sometimes provide dinner.

A fawn just inside the woods that proved a still model for pictures.

Coyote captured on the wildlife cam.

A flock of 10-15 turkeys roams the property.  Here, one makes himself quite at home!

Out for a ride?

Bernie and the porch-invader (perhaps).  Wild turkey recipes welcome.
Deer are frequent and beautiful, but like so many things in life, come with a negative side: deer ticks.  We have yet to enjoy venison from a MorWynd deer, but hope to this year!
Frightened baby bunny!  We won't hurt you if you don't hurt our lettuce!