The local power company is replacing the electrical poles on our land. We of course, with our barn and ideas and excitement, asked for the old ones. The electrical company was happy to hand them over. They are apparently yellow cedar, and decent wood for building *stuff*. Here are some of our ideas:
- A bridge over the small creek (this is the original, and most practical idea - it would allow the tractor to easily get to the back fields, and enable walks around the whole property without backtracking)
- A table
- Flooring
- A pavilion
- A "hope chest" for our possible future daughter
- End tables for my sister
- A cabin (at which point the title quote was quipped by Opie, the self-described "dreamer")
- Cedar shakes to side the original farmhouse or to use for roofing (this is the latest and greatest idea - to sit in front of the fire all whittling electrical poles into cedar shakes. I am less excited than the men about this one, but I suppose there are worse past times?)
- Anyone else have ideas for us??
The tree house!! Or tree MANSION!